Cloud Solutions for Business:
We'll discuss Servercore cloud services: virtual machines, Kubernetes, databases. We'll demonstrate how to utilize the cloud in Nairobi.
Free webinar
December 5
Managing Data, Ensuring Legal Compliance, Retaining Customers
Reliable and secure data storage
Cloud Platform Tasks
DDoS protection
Data Protection Act No. 24 of 2019
Fault-tolerant operation during peak loads
Handling personal data
Bonus for Participants
Register for the webinar and receive bonuses:
5,000 shillings for participants
They can be used to rent a virtual server or another Servercore product.
5,000 shillings to rent a virtual server or another Servercore product
Servercore Operation Areas
Servercore is an international premium infrastructure provider with a local presence in Nairobi.

We build both cloud and physical IT infrastructure for businesses of all sizes. Our team boasts 14 years of experience collaborating with IT companies in Europe and robust technical expertise.
Data center «iColo»
66 Muthithi Rd
Tier 3
ke-1: Cloud platform
nrb-1: Dedicated servers
How Servercore cloud platform operates
Showcasing cloud capabilities and tasks
How to confirm compliance with Tier III certification and the Personal Data Act
How to choose the ideal data center for your infrastructure?
The necessity of redundant communication channels, DDoS attack protection, and real-time monitoring
What is the structure of data center infrastructure?
How cloud platform services function (Kubernetes, DBaaS, storage)
How we connect physical and cloud infrastructure to address unique tasks
How we guarantee the safety of our services
How Servercore services can benefit your business
Who Is the Webinar Intended for?
Technical specialists
Assess the technical potential of new services and test them for free
Discover how Servercore cloud platform can help deliver the best user experience to your customers
He has over 15 years of experience in developing cloud platforms at one of the leading IT infrastructure providers in Eastern Europe.
Ivan Romanko
CTO at Servercore
How to Ask Questions after the Webinar
Join our social networks. There, you can ask about our products and their prices, while we share more service information and provide guidance on choosing the right infrastructure.
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